
you looking for inexpensive Endust for Electronics LCD & Plasma Pop Up Wipes 70 CT 11506?

Discount Endust for Electronics LCD & Plasma Pop Up Wipes 70 CT 11506 Shop

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Endust for Electronics LCD & Plasma Pop Up Wipes 70 CT 11506 Features

  • Specially formulated to safely and effectively clean LCD, Plasma and Non Glare screens
  • Pre-moistened wipe cleans in one step
  • Dries streak free
  • Removes dirt, dust, and fingerprints
  • Soft, non-abrasive, alcohol and ammonia-free

Endust for Electronics LCD & Plasma Pop Up Wipes 70 CT 11506 Overview

Endust for Electronics LCD & Plasma 70 Count Pop up, pre moistened, anti static and non streak wipe. Instant cleaning power in one easy step. Soft, non-abrasive alcohol and ammonia free consistently dispenses one wipe at a time. Excellent for cleaning LCD & Plasma screens, LCD Monitors, Portable DVD Players, Non Glare Screens, Touch Screens, LCD Picture Frames, eBook Readers, cell phones and handheld games. [else][endif] [if
  • Specially formulated to safely and effectively clean LCD, Plasma and Non Glare screens
  • Pre-moistened wipe cleans in one step
  • Dries streak free
  • Removes dirt, dust, and fingerprints
  • Soft, non-abrasive, alcohol and ammonia-free

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