
Buy Kantek LCD Protect Deluxe Anti-Glare Filter for 19 to 20 Inch Widescreen LCD Monitors (LCD20W) Sale

Kantek LCD Protect Deluxe Anti-Glare Filter for 19 to 20 Inch Widescreen LCD Monitors (LCD20W) Overview

Founded in 1982, Kantek has set the standard for personal customer service, superior design and construction, a high degree of flexibility and responsiveness to the marketplace. Kantek LCD Protect Deluxe Anti-Glare Filters protect delicate LCD surfaces from scratches and damage. Each filter eliminates 99 percent of glare and enhances contrast for more comfortable viewing. The Kantek LCD Protect comes in a neutral light tint for true color fidelity. The elegant, slim frameless design of the Kantek LCD Protect Deluxe Anti-Glare Filter integrates seamlessly to look like part of your LCD. The Delicate LCD surface can be easily damaged - Protect your investment!

Kantek LCD Protect Deluxe Anti-Glare Filter for 19 to 20 Inch Widescreen LCD Monitors (LCD20W) Specification

  • Fits 19 to 20 Inch widescreen LCD monitors
  • Anti-glare filter protects the LCD Display surface
  • Improves images by reducing 99 percent of glare and enhancing contrast
  • Elegant frameless design
  • Neutral light tint for true color fidelity
  • 1 filter
  • Great for brightly lit environments
  • Reduces eyestrain and discomfort

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